Fields Comprehensive Youth Services (FCYS) is a Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program that serves male youth and non-minor dependents (Residents). The population we serve ranges in ages of 13-21. FCYS accepts referrals from the Child Welfare and Probation Department.
FCYS’s purpose is to meet the developmental, physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs of their residents.
FCYS service population include, but are not limited to the following:
Victims of Sexual Abuse
Non-Minor Dependents
Extremely Violent Youth
Victims of Physical and Emotional Abuse
Youth suffering from a Mental Health and
Substance Use Disorders
Cognitively Low Functioning Youth with
Mental Health and Behavioral Health Issues
Youth that require Special Medical and Health Care Needs
Treatment services will include but are not limited to:
Mental Health Counseling, Individual & Groups
Intensive Care Coordination (ICC)
Targeted Case Management
Intensive Home-Based Services
Interventions to Stabilize Behavior
Intensive Treatment Interventions
Medication Support Services
Crisis Stabilization Intervention Services
Transition support services for residents, Families and other significant support person(s)
Intensive family engagement and active involvement of both residents and family in case planning and decision making
Partner around community interventions
and collaborative service delivery
Rehabilitation Individual & Groups: Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Counseling
Education supports, including extracurricular social supports
Follow-up Aftercare Services and Support to successfully maintain youth and non-minor dependents in the community
Permanency Support Services
Transition to Adulthood Support Services